Monday, May 9, 2011

SIMPLIFY.......Yeah Right!?!?!

Okay, really, I am not being blasphemous! Here's some of the stuff I have been up to, and maybe why I haven't posted my pictures of the day for months! I am still taking them, hopefully someday soon they will get published!

Finishing the basement


Potty Training

Helping out in classes

Dealing with a very messy, very busy boy

Helping with homework

Hanging out with good friends


Volunteering at the preschool


Did I mention our bathroom flooded the day before we left for our cruise

and yes VACATIONING too! Now I am home for 5 days before leaving for another 9! Also trying to keep a livable (notice I didn't say clean) house, feed us all, keep up with 2 blogs (or not), plan a first grade field day and AR movie party, run a Bountiful Basket site, learn what I am doing with a new calling, I am pretty sure I could keep going but I want to stop thinking about everything that NEEDS to be done! Anyway, just thought I would let you all know I am still alive.