Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Week 11~ March 12-18!

Have I gotten behind on blogging, YES! Have I still been taking a picture a day, YES! I figured out that if I post a week each day I will be caught up in 3 WEEKS! Wow, how has this year gone by so quickly!?!?!
Saturday March 12-Brayden has started to become a little monkey, he loves to climb up on the table and run back and forth to the edges and scare me to death!
Sunday March 13-I started a food blog of recipes to use with Bountiful Basket items.

Monday March 14-Kindergarten Round-up! We registered Natalie for Kindergarten and she got to take a little "test" to see how ready she is. (she got them all!)

Tuesday March 15- Natalie helping snap green beans for dinner.

Wednesday March 16- In preparation for St. Patrick's day we painted our nails GREEN!

Thursday March 17- Green pancakes for St. Patrick's Day!

Friday March 18- 1st grade pet day! Ally had her Papa Lee bring a chicken to show the class.

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