Monday, August 8, 2011
Week 14
Saturday April 2nd-Natalie is such a silly girl, I swear she is up-side-down more than she is right-side-up these days! I remember being the same way as a kid.
Sunday April 3-When I went and got Brayden out of bed this morning he crawled right over to cuddle with Allan who was still asleep.
Tuesday April 5-Yesterday they started sheetrocking the basement. They did the celings yesterday and most of the walls today! It's so exciting to see it coming together!
Wednesday April 6-I took Lilly and Hailey to Artic Circle on a special date. I had lots of cute pictures of them playing together, but I was really amazed at this little rock climber!
Thursday April 7-Our first winter here Allan told me "the snow will be off the ground by my birthday (late march) for sure" that was a horrible winter and it wasn't even close! Most of the years it hasn't been off by his birthday. This year the snow was gone so early it was very nice, BUT that just means everytime we get a little snow I am disappointed because I thought winter had left us already! Wake up Kristy, you live in IDAHO!
Friday April 8-Date Night...I'm a little embarassed to admit this, but our plans were to go to the temple this night. We were all dressed and Allan said to check my reccommend. I was SURE that was silly because it couldn't be expired, but sure enough it had expired in March! doh! Well, our good friend Trudy had come to babysit so we took advantage and went to a different dinner and a movie instead.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Week 13
Saturday Mar 26- Allan's 32 birthday! We went out on a date to Cafe Rio, Cupcake Factory, and a movie, but I forgot my camera. I remembered I hadn't taken a picture while we were watching TV at like 10:30 and this was the picture.
Sunday March 27-Allan's sister's birthday is the day after his. She turned 40 this year! She etched Allan's name into her cake so he could be part of the celebration.
Monday March 28-Our new shelves in the storage room. They have been finished for a little bit, but today I started moving EVERYTHING into the room so we could start drywall/tape/texture!
Tuesday March 29-Ally's spring portrait, I am too cheap to actually buy these things so I took a picture of her picture and sent it back. I think it's dumb that they print a whole package and send it home with everyone and then tell you to pay for it or send it back, what a HUGE waste of paper, ink, etc. No wonder they charge so much for you to keep it, they have to make up for all the money they wasted!
Wednesday March 30-All winter long a group of us have been going to the church in the morning to exersize. Most days the bigger kids pull Brayden around in this blocks wagon, double bonus because he loves it and it keeps him out of my hair while I work out!
Sunday March 27-Allan's sister's birthday is the day after his. She turned 40 this year! She etched Allan's name into her cake so he could be part of the celebration.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Week 12
Saturday March 19-Hailey's first volleyball tournament. Hailey's grandma had to take her because there was something else going on too. Poor girl threw-up before the first game started and sat that game out, then she played the rest of the games without sitting out at all!
Sunday March 20-Hailey invited her non-member friend Vianka to church.
Monday March 21-I made up a game of Jeopardy for FHE. The kids had lots of fun playing.
Tuesday March 22-I let the girls play "popcorn" during scripture reading tonight, it was great because they did a great job of following along.
Wednesday March 23-It was such a beautiful day today! All of the neighborhood kids were outside playing. They all got their chairs and lined them up like the moms always do.
Thursday March 24-Brayden is such a picky eater! It's not even that he doesn't like a lot of foods, he just gets in these moods where he doesn't want to eat something. Today it was eggs, if I managed to get some into his mouth he would take them out with his hand and throw them across the kitchen. Yesterday or tomorrow we could have had eggs and he would eat them fine. Pretty sure I am being punished for giving any of my sister-in-laws bad times about their picky eaters!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Week 11~ March 12-18!
Have I gotten behind on blogging, YES! Have I still been taking a picture a day, YES! I figured out that if I post a week each day I will be caught up in 3 WEEKS! Wow, how has this year gone by so quickly!?!?!
Saturday March 12-Brayden has started to become a little monkey, he loves to climb up on the table and run back and forth to the edges and scare me to death!
Sunday March 13-I started a food blog of recipes to use with Bountiful Basket items.
Saturday March 12-Brayden has started to become a little monkey, he loves to climb up on the table and run back and forth to the edges and scare me to death!