Monday, April 19, 2010

Lilly Turns 2!

Lilly had her birthday on Saturday April 17th!When she got up and I asked her what she wanted for breakfast, she went to the fridge, and got out the ingredients for quesadillas and also a cheese stick. Silly girl, but it's her birthday so that's what she got!
We had Ally's first soccer game that morning so we went to that first. Speaking of Ally, she has lost her first two teeth in the last little bit and I keep forgetting to take a picture and blog about it, so here it is!
For lunch we went out for Chinese food at one of our favorite restaurants. (Allan is Ally's coach, notice his matching jersey)
Here is every one waiting to get their food.
Lilly loves chicken and rice!
But.. she was too tired to finish it!
After lunch we met some friends who were going to the zoo. This is the new baby zebra, only 7 days old!
Hadley and Lilly are good little friends.
After the zoo we went to Tautphus Park.
Everyone had a great time.

Even Daddy and Brayden.

After the park we went to get some ice cream at Sundaes.
We took that picture, but Lilly was mad because Allan set the car seat down on her high chair.
She got over it though when the ice cream came.
That night we made Lilly a little treat, but she was so tired she threw herself down on the floor before she realized we were giving her a treat.
Pretty much she is already acting like a typical 2 year old with mood swings all over the place.
The next day we had a party for her with Allan's family and I made these cakes for her. I am really excited about how they turned out!
Once again, Lilly was in a mood so Allan had to hold her while we sang Happy Birthday and she blew out her candles.

Everyone was very excited to pick which piece of the cakes they wanted!
Lilly is a very cute little girl. Like I said, her moods are kind of all over the place, and she is still in that stage where she knows what she wants, but can't always communicate what that is. She is getting to be a big talker. Lilly loves her sisters and brother. When they come home she runs and gives them hugs, and when Brayden is crying, and even when he is not she always wants to help. The only exception is when she is tired and grumpy and wants me to put the baby down and hold her, but usually a couple of minutes is all it takes to put her in a better mood. She likes to run and jump and be outside. Lilly loves to dance and sing, and anything to do with music. She is always trying to keep up with whatever the big kids are doing. Lilly also has a mind of her own, and when it's set on something there is pretty much no changing it. I still have more issues with her sleeping than any of my other kids, she doesn't like to go to bed, or stay asleep for very long. Lilly loves to get stuff out, but most of the time is pretty good about putting it away. She always wants to be held if I am in the kitchen, and seems to have a sixth sense to need attention when I am busy.


  1. Great post! Happy birthday Lilly! Awesome cakes!

  2. Cute cakes!!! Sounds like a fun birthday!

  3. Those cakes are adorable! You did such a nice job. Happy Birthday Lilly!

  4. I can't believe she's already 2, which means Ivy is next. Crazy it's already been that long. I love how she fell asleep eating her lunch.

  5. SUPER cakes, Kristy! And, there's something about seeing a kid fall asleep at a table... I think it's adorable!
