Thursday, February 25, 2010

Countdown to 30!

Tuesday was my 29th birthday. I am not upset about turning 30 next year, probably partly because I am the youngest in our family and it's just not that big of a deal to me.

I have this goal to weigh 130 (or less) on my 30th birthday. On my 29th birthday (5 weeks after having Brayden I weigh 170. So that being said I have 52 weeks to lose 40 lbs. This works out well because I am all for losing weight scientifically (calories in and calories out, -500 calories a day =-3500 calories or 1 lb. a week.) It's a slow process, but I can't deprive myself of more than that because:
1. I am breastfeeding and will lose my milk if I don't eat.
2. I am a grouchy girl when I am hungry.
3. I believe this is the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off. (although I always get pregnant and gain again, but you get the idea.)
I am not big into dieting, so as Allan would say, the most successful way to lose weight is to eat less and move more. I try to have small snacks throughout the day so I don't get too hungry. That's the plan, simple as that.

This is me now, my cousin gets to be in my before picture because this is the most recent picture I have.

I track my calories on a nifty spread sheet that a friend of mine gave me. Somewhere she learned that 90% of women burn 11 calories for each pound that they weigh just doing normal activities (not including exercising). So basically you multiply your weight and 11 and you know how many calories you burn. I then get to add 500 because I am breastfeeding. So in a day I burn 2370 calories with out exercising. Then when I exercise depending on how long and what I am doing, I add those calories to the total. My goal is to each day eat between 500 and 1000 calories less than that number and I should lose 1-2 lbs. a week.

I am only writing about this because I think I will hold myself more accountable if people know about my goal. I am going to update "the blog" each month on my progress.


  1. Way to go Kristy, You can totally do it! You lost so much weight that last year of dental school and looked amazing. Keep us posted on how it's going. I am about to use Chris's formula as well in my own life. I'll let you know how I am doing with it. We are going back to Ft. Laud in April and I would like to drop just a few pounds before that. You look great for just having a fifth baby by the way.

  2. We are off to a good start! Thanks for letting us use your basement. It really works out so much better! We weren't tripping over each other!

  3. Good for you! I SOOOO need to exercise...
