Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Overview of November and December

I should be better about blogging, and taking pictures! Sorry there are not going to be any visual aides for this blog. I don't even know where the months of November and December went. Lets see if I can remember:

Football season finished up with two wins against Air Force and Utah. Overall it was a great season and we will be cheering on BYU in their bowl game tonight. As much fun as I had, I will be glad to not be going out of town half of our weekends anymore.

We spent Thanksgiving with Allan's family. It was lots of fun as always to get together and relax and let the kids all play with their cousins. On Black Friday I headed out to help a friend get some things she was wanting and was back before Allan had to leave for work along with new boots for me and the kids.

Hailey, Ally, and Natalie were in the Nutcracker with Idaho Ballet Theater. It was a lot of fun, but also very tiring. They had Saturday practices all November and the week of the performance they had a tech rehearsal, 2 dress rehearsals, and 3 performances between all of them. They were so cute! Ally was meant to be in both nights, but ended up feeling sick and not performing on Saturday, the day her grandparents were all there to see her, but Hailey and I went to see her on Friday night and she did a great job. Hailey is getting to be quite the dancer and Natalie was too cute, she was one of the smallest kids in the performance. I ordered pictures of the girls in their costumes and will post some when I get them.

Ally was then sick for a week and missed a bunch of school, Hailey didn't feel well for a day or two, Natalie and Lilly ended up with a cold/cough that they gave to me and I was down in bed for a few days. In between all of that Life went on with the following.

I have been volunteering in Hailey and Ally's classes weekly and also just put together an Accelerated Reading Rewards Program for the whole school, bought prizes, and caught all of the classes up with their prizes from the beginning of the year. I have now found a parent to help me for just about every class so hopefully that job will calm down with the new year.

Hailey and Ally were in a Christmas program at their school. I took a couple pictures but forgot my SD card at home so they are stuck on my camera at the moment.

We have also been having lots of Christmas parties and lots of goodies, I am so done with all of the Christmas candy it isn't even funny. It's a good thing I am pregnant and have an excuse to gain weight, but I am sure I will be paying for that later.

I am tired of being pregnant, the countdown has really begun now as I have less than 5 weeks until my due date. I am huge and have been asked (as with every pregnancy) if I am having twins. I am tired and have no energy to keep up with 4 kids and a house. Especially after being sick, my house needs a cleaning overhaul before we bring a baby home. I have SO much to do before the baby comes, it gives me a headache just to think about it. If I didn't have any kids around I am sure it would be a breeze to get the house ready, but reality sinks in and I have to feed and do laundry for 6 people and all of the other things it takes to keep our home running smoothly and that I am involved in and it all seems impossible. I am hoping that anyday (hopefuly sooner than later) that nesting instinct will set in and I will get everything done.

This week we are headed down to Utah for Christmas with my family, and now that the kids are home from school today Christmas vacation has officially begun and everything will have to be put on hold while I pack all of our things and presents and get ready to leave on Thursday morning. We will be coming home on Sunday and I will be puting my kids to work helping me get everything I can done before they head back to school after the new year.

1 comment:

  1. I always think back to the days of being pregnant with my first child and think... what was I complaining about!!! Who knew it could get harder!
