Friday, February 20, 2009

Gratitude Day 2

1. My parents who took me to the ER at 4:00 in the morning on Monday, and who fed my children and let them tear appart their house for two days while I was not feeling well, even though they had to leave for CA (work) on Tuesday afternoon. And for Allan taking off two days of work to take care of me and our kids once we got back home.

2. Being a stay at home mom, and having all day to clean my messy house after I have been sick without having to worry about getting ready for work.

3. My wonderful in-laws who call us up and ask to take us to a movie on Friday night, yeah for date night!

By the way, I think it is working because even though I spent most of the day cleaning my house, I feel lucky and loved! I have a lot to be grateful for!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Kristy! Complaining is sometimes cathartic, but at a certain point you just become a big downer. So it is good sometimes to focus on the blessings so that the complaney parts don't take over.
    P.S.- Next time I'm cleaning my house I'm going to try really hard to feel loved. It seems I'm ALWAYS good at complaining about cleaning. I know I should just be grateful I have a house to clean (as opposed to no house) and a family to clean up after.
