Friday, October 24, 2008

Discovery Elementary Spook Alley

I volunteered to be in charge of the Spook Alley at Hailey's School. It turned out so great! This had to do a lot with all of the wonderful help that I received. I will now take you on a little picture tour of the whole thing:

The Spook Alley
The people would come in and sit on a park bench and there was this bum by the trash can.Then this guy would jump out of the trash can and the bum would chase them out of the park. These were two of the Middle School Student Gavernment Kids who came to help out.
Next came my wonderful husband Allan in Dracula's Lair. If you look closely, he made himself some clip on fangs. He didn't think he was too scary, but I think you can tell by this picture that he was!
They then crawled through a tunnel with spiders and spiderwebs and there were people grabbing them from the outside of the tunnel, (I didn't get a picture of the tunnel) and into a Zombie Classroom.
The Zombies were compliments of the Bonneville Drama Department and they did an amazing job.
The zombies kind of chased everyone around the room and then back out into the hallway.
Where they would come to my Dear Friend Susan dressed up like this. (actually the first time they saw her was when they came out of the tunnel and she scared a ton of people including adults)
Now it is time to give props where props are due. Susan helpped me so very much with this night. She and I came up with all of the rooms and decorations for the Spook Alley and transformed the second grade hallway and later returned it back to the way it was in a matter of hours with the help of a few others (Natalie, Zoe, Sonya, another Natalie and others I am sure I am forgetting, sorry)
Next they entered the graveyard where there were a few more kids from the Middle School to jump out and scare them before they exited.
We also planned a not so scary Mad Scientists Lab and I basically told a few of my ideas to some other great friends Krista and Arin and they took over. The details in their room were amazing! They were luckily up on the stage so they were able to go in at 9:00 a.m. and start setting up. It took them all day but the results were well worth their time!
The Mad Scientists Lab
The witch and her Cauldren (Krista and Arin each took the witches post for an hour)
Then the Mad Scientist (Krista's husband Josh and Zoe's husband Steve) would take them on a tour of his lab full of fun things to touch and see. This was where it came in handy to have a Dentist as a husband because they used a lot of his tools and teeth and anatomy books and other things that I found in his boxes of stuff in the basement to decorate. As well as some of my canning supplies and kitchen tools!
Right before they left the lab Frankenstein (my friend Sara's husband Jeremy and then Arin's brother-in-law) would be laying on the table and come to life, it was great!
The teachers helped a lot too, they got the local beauty school to send over some face painters.
Another little plug for AWESOME people here...Allan's parents came to the school and took my girls around so that they got to enjoy it all while we were busy. And Robin held Lilly basically the whole night so that was a big help too!
Hailey, Ally, and Natalie all had a great time. Lilly was not as impressed, but she was a trooper!
The teachers also had a Fishing Pond where the kids could get prizes.
And a couple of them dressed up and read the kids palms.
There was also a Candy Bar Walk and a pumpkin carving contest and a Giant Pumpkin Lady giving out candy.
The amazing thing was that the principal wanted this to be a fun and free activity for families so everything above was absolutely free! We did sell dinner (Hot Dogs, Chips, and Drinks) for basically cost, and had a Bake Sale. Felicia the PTO President took care of the food and I got some mom's to come in and help sell it, and Allison helped get people for the bake sale. So there you have it, I am so glat that it is over, but it was also a lot of fun.
Disclaimer: Do not read further if you don't want to hear me whine~
So here is my one little annoyance with the whole thing and basically PTO in general. I am upset that there are not more people involved. Basically there are a few handfulls of people who are always willing to volunteer and help, but then everyone is happy to come and enjoy their hard work. There were hundreds of people who came to this activity, the lines were incredibly long. I just don't see why more people are not willing to give their support. I had a planning meeting that I sent home flyers with every student, sent out e-mails to many of the parents, and put in the school newsletter that I needed volunteers and still had very few people respond. I am truly grateful to everyone who was willing to help, and I understand that there are scheduling conflicts and not everyone can help with everything, but if everyone would just take their turn, the work wouldn't end up on the same people every time!


  1. It really was amazing! I was so so impressed. We loved it all. I wish I could have helped more. I guess my season will come soon enough right. Sorry about crazy yesterday. I felt like I was a patient in the mad scientist laboratory with my tooth extraction yesterday. I am sure it was kinda nice to only have one baby to worry about after a crazy day like the Halloween carnival day. You are amazing.

  2. Super impressive, You've got talent!! Amen to the take your turn - really, would it kill people to volunteer ONE time?
    I can't believe how awesome that turned out, You know your kids will forever be impressed. You're the best!!

  3. It turned out so well! Sorry all the walls were falling down near the end. But hey-they didn't have to worry about the tape pulling off the paint! You did amazingly well. Sorry I wasn't there to help clean up...

  4. That was spooktacular!!! What a lot of work!! PTA president here you come!!!

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