Monday, August 18, 2008


Our last weekend of summer we headed down to Down-at-a Hot Springs for the Lee and Jean Staker Family Reunion...or in other words, Allan's parents and their kids. Everyone was able to come except Jon's Family in Arizona and Jeni's Husband Shane and their 2 oldest kids. It was two full days of non-stop fun. Hailey really enjoyed the water slides and even went down the Black Hole once. Ally liked the small slides, but not the big ones, and had fun in the pool and playing with her cousins. Natalie is a BIG chicken when it comes to the water, so it is good because she stays close to Mom and Dad, she liked the hot pool and playing with the legos Aunt Robin brought. Lilly did what she is good at and mostly slept and ate, once though I put her down on the blanket to play and she saw the blocks and rolled over to them and started playing with them, her first interest in toys.

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