Sunday, May 4, 2008

LIlly's Blessing Day

Lilly was blessed by Allan today. We had lot's of family come up for the blessing including Kristy's parents and Arrington grandparents, Allan's parents, Aunt Dot and Uncle Everet, and all of his siblings and their families, except Jonathan in Arizona. After church we all went to Allan's parent's house for dinner and family time.
It was such a great day, I love our families and the support that they give to us. I am also grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the influence that it has on our family. It makes everything easier when you have an eternal perspective on life. I also just want to mention that Allan and I had our seven year anneversary last week, and how grateful I am to have him as my eternal companion. He is such a great husband and father. I love having someone to share my life with who I know will always have the same goals as I do.

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