Monday, April 21, 2008

Lilly Elaine Staker

Kristy was induced on Thursday April 17th, everything went well and Lilly was born at 4:43 p.m. and weighed 7lbs 15 oz. She was much smaller than we expected since Hailey and Natalie were both over 9 lbs. We are all really excited to have her in our family. We are planning on blessing her on May 4th, in our ward at 1:oo so anyone who can come is more than welcome. Afterward we will probably have food at Lee and Jean's because we don't have a yard in yet.


  1. WHAT A DOLL!!! Congratulations Stakers! Take wait to make it to your house to see

  2. Congratulations on the new baby!!! She is beautiful and I cannot believe all that hair!!

  3. Hey! Stumbled upon your blog through the McCanns'. Congratulations! I am so glad everything went well. You sure look gorgeous! Your pic at the top of your blog is so cute, too! Good job, guys, good job.

  4. Wow. This is cool. I miss you guys. Your Cousin, Mark Olson.
