Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Year 2007 in Review

Allan graduated from Nova South Eastern University College of Dental Medicine in May of 2007 and we moved to Idaho Falls, Idaho, Allan's home town. We stayed with Allan's parents for the summer while our house was being built, and moved in August and found out I was pregnant that same time. Hailey started kindergarten, is learning to read, and played t-ball and soccer, and is in ballet with Ally. I dropped our camera at graduation, and we didn't get a new one till Thanksgiving, so unfortunately all of our pictures for this period of time are hard copies and not on the computer. We of course had BYU season tickets and got to go to all of the games, and it was a great excuse to go down to Utah and spend time with Kristy's family, when they were in town. Hailey and Ally's ballet performed The Nutcracker at Christmas time. It was very fun, especially since their cousin Kallie was Clara. Mostly it has been great being close to family and seeing everyone for holidays and birthdays.

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