Monday, December 31, 2007

Kim's Wedding

My Cousin Kim got married on December 31, in San Diego, so I got to go down with my parents for a few days. It was a lot of fun, I got to pick her up from her hair appt. help her get dressed, and take her to the Hotel Del Coronado. She was a very beautiful bride, and her husband Robert is a really nice guy. I had fun taking pictures although I think some people might have been worried about me putting myself into labor.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

We got to celebrate Christmas for over a week. We started out by going down to Utah and going on The Polar Express train ride in Heber. The girls had lots of fun, and got to see Santa Claus, Natalie wasn't so sure about him, but it was a lot of fun! We also got to see both sets of Kristy's grandparents, and some Aunts, Uncles and Cousins, and of course open the first set of presents. Then we went home to a VERY white Christmas, and the kids spent Christmas Eve playing with Daddy in the snow! After opening presents on Christmas morning, we went out to Allan's parent's house and spent the day with all of his family.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Year 2007 in Review

Allan graduated from Nova South Eastern University College of Dental Medicine in May of 2007 and we moved to Idaho Falls, Idaho, Allan's home town. We stayed with Allan's parents for the summer while our house was being built, and moved in August and found out I was pregnant that same time. Hailey started kindergarten, is learning to read, and played t-ball and soccer, and is in ballet with Ally. I dropped our camera at graduation, and we didn't get a new one till Thanksgiving, so unfortunately all of our pictures for this period of time are hard copies and not on the computer. We of course had BYU season tickets and got to go to all of the games, and it was a great excuse to go down to Utah and spend time with Kristy's family, when they were in town. Hailey and Ally's ballet performed The Nutcracker at Christmas time. It was very fun, especially since their cousin Kallie was Clara. Mostly it has been great being close to family and seeing everyone for holidays and birthdays.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Hailey's First Day of School!

Hailey started Kindergarten! She is in class with her cousin Jaden(right), and his cousin Bridger(center). There are also several other kids from our ward in their class. They go in the afternoon, and a Kindergarten bus comes right to our door and picks her up. Then in the afternoon they ride the regular school bus home, and she has two other cousins, an 8 and 11 year old who ride with them. She did so good on her first day of school, I dropped the 3 of them off because the bus didn't start till the 4th day of school, and she just went right in and started playing with everyone. Of course she already loves going to school from the VPK she went to in Florida.